If you read or watch the news, you no doubt learn about more vehicle accidents than you would like to think happen in Kentucky. Even with numerous public awareness campaigns and strong law enforcement, too many drivers make choices that are dangerous not only for themselves for but anyone else who might happen to be on the road at the same time. From driving while texting to drag racing down area streets, there is no shortage to the negligent behaviors that result in serious accidents and even deaths.
According to records from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the number of overall vehicular fatalities in Kenton County jumped from nine to 17 between 2016 and 2017. Of those 17 deaths last year, seven resulted from accidents in which alcohol was a contributing factor. In 2016, Kenton County experienced one drunk driving death. In the five years spanning 2014 to 2017, the county recorded 57 total deaths in motor vehicle accidents. Alcohol and speed were involved in 21 and eight of those deaths, respectively.
Of Kenton County’s neighboring counties, only Boone County experienced more deaths in car accidents during these five years with a total of 62 fatalities. In Campbell County, 45 people lost their lives in wrecks. Another 16 and nine people were killed in Grant and Pendleton Counties, respectively.
If you would like to learn more about how to stay safe on the road or how to seek help and compensation after you or a loved one has been involved in a vehicle accident, please feel free to visit the crash assistance and compensation page of our Kentucky personal injury website.